It may not sound very pleasant, but running an ice cube over your face has a ton of benefits for your skin! They will help to smooth your complexion by combating fat cells, easing wrinkles, fighting acne, and promoting blood circulation that will help heal past blemishes! Be sure to wrap the cubes in a paper towel, or a baggie because applying them directly to your skin can cause delicate blood vessels to break For an added benefits to this treatment, try freezing your cubes with watermelon, lemon, or rose!
I have been asked to post some more of my personal pictures of Emerald Isle since the last post I made, I actually haven't had the opportunity to go back since I got my new camera (and laptop) so I don't have any current pictures. I do happen to have some pictures of the beach (it was early spring and early in the morning, so they are kind of bland) that we went to on a school trip that is just a short distance up the island. I hope you like them!! :) I PROMISE I will post some more (better ones) as soon as I can!
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