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Book of the Month: January

Have you all ever heard of Book of the Month Club?  It is a subscription box unlike any other one I've seen!  Instead of makeup, food, or home goods like most boxes, you get to pick a book to have sent to you every month!  It is the perfect thing for bookworms like me!

This subscription is only $16.99 per month, and you can choose to skip a month at any time if the five options they are offering do not appeal to you.  But here is the catch, today is the last day of their Galentine's sale they are offering through the blog My Subscription Addiction (love that place!).  So if you use the code MSABOOKLOVER you can get a three month subscription for only $29.97 (normally $44.97) along with a Book of the Moth tote bag and free credit for an extra book ($9.99 value)!  So you are getting four books for only about $30, which is less than you could get them in a bookstore, and are saving $25 over what you would pay for a normal subscription!  I highly suggest you try it out!

I used a deal they offered back around Black Friday to get a free box, but either skipped or forgot to confirm my selection until January!  So here is a book from the January options which were offered!  I chose Girls in the Moon which is described as,
"Everyone in Phoebe Ferris’s life tells a different version of the truth. Her mother, Meg, ex–rock star and professional question evader, shares only the end of the story—the post-fame calm that Phoebe’s always known. Her sister, Luna, indie-rock darling of Brooklyn, preaches a stormy truth of her own making, selectively ignoring the facts she doesn’t like. And her father, Kieran, the cofounder of Meg’s beloved band, hasn’t said anything at all since he stopped calling three years ago.
But Phoebe, a budding poet in search of an identity to call her own, is tired of half-truths and vague explanations. When she visits Luna in New York, she’s determined to find out how she fits in to this family of storytellers, and to maybe even continue her own tale—the one with the musician boy she’s been secretly writing for months. Told in alternating chapters, Phoebe’s first adventure flows as the story of Meg and Kieran’s romance ebbs, leaving behind only a time-worn, precious pearl of truth about her family’s past—and leaving Phoebe to take a leap into her own unknown future."
People who ordered in January also received this little bonus book by Gilian Flynn, which I thought was very sweet!

It think this is an awesome and incredibly unique idea for a subscription box, and I highly reccomend you check out the Book of the Month Club!


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