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What I did This Month: Summer 2015 Part 2!

I am back with the last half of my Summer! Which was still hectic, but in completely different ways!
Where June was covered in end of high school activities the remainder of the summer began pulling my more out into the real world with college and a full time job!

I'll begin where I left off, with the Fourth of July!
I spent the early half of the day with Kaitlyn shopping at some new outlets in Asheville (which are amazing by the way...).
This was the first Holiday I'd ever been posed the task of sharing.  Maze always comes with me to my family's get togethers, but rarely do I go with him, and apparently this is an important holiday to his family!
Who would have known...
So, we first ventured to his family's celebration to have hot dogs with cinnamon chocolate chili (it was interesting!) and see people in quite possibly the smallest town I've ever been to.  After, we returned to my house to set off fireworks and have ribs.  It actually worked out ok!

Later in July Maze and I went to the Asheville Nature Center, and it was amazing! I got to see Otters, my favorite!!
 Him being a tiger :)

And probably what has came to be one of my favorite pictures of us :)

Remember how what I said about working and becoming some semblance of a grown up?  I know I don't look like it, but here I am, working! 
I love being a teacher :)

We turned these painted footprints into rocket ships!

I also caught many poor lizards this summer, trying to rescue them from mean little children... 
Right after this picture was taken the lizard made a flying leap out of my hand and latched onto a boys shorts, at which point he screamed!

For my brother's birthday we took a weekend trip to Pigeon Forge, Tennessee,  and this was by far my favorite part.
We ate at Paula Deen's restaurant for breakfast!! It was amazing...
We also went shopping and did some other things, but this, this was definitely the highlight!

So remember how I went to Governor's School in Winston Salem last Summer?  Every year they have an Alumni day where students from past years (some of them way past!) return to see the campus, the program, and meet up with old friends!
So this is me with my English teachers, and all of my English buddies!
I had some other friends who were in Science, including my awesome roommate, but they weren't in this picture :(
But overall, it was an awesome day!
After this I went with one of my friend's from home to spend the night with her friend who lives in Mt. Airy North Carolina (or, for the Andy Griffith fans, Mayberry!) Yes, I spent the night in Mayberry and it was the epitome of a cute little southern town, I loved it :) 

The next week was monopolized by Bible School at my work, and packing for the beach!  Maze left for Montana once again that Thursday, and then my family left for Hilton Head early Saturday morning!
 We went on two different nights to the Disney resort in Hilton Head, just to walk around and pretend we were back in Disney... Is it possible to be homesick for somewhere you don't actually live?
This was the sunset there one night!

We visited an Aquarium... that had lemurs!

See those houses in the background? I want them all

Literally the best cupcakes I've ever had... Starting top left and moving clockwise: Chocolate with chocolate icing, blackberry with blackberry icing, vanilla cupcake with salted camel filling and caramel icing, and "Sweet Carolina" (the name of the cupcake shop) pink velvet cupcake with cream cheese icing! 

Sunrise on the morning we left :)

 And then we went and spent the day in Charleston!
I loved all of the cute little Snapchat filters for Charleston!

And this adorable little fountain, you can wade in it!

If you can't tell, I've done lot's of church type things this Summer, by teaching two Bible Schools, working at a Christian daycare and (when I've been home) attending a weekly Bible Study!
Usually it's centered more towards young people, but a special man was giving his testimony that week so we had some older members in attendance as well!

Another Church thing I did this Summer would be attending Ralph Sexton's Tent Crusade each week night for two weeks at the beginning of August.
Now, I promise there is a story behind this picture...
My Cousin swore that at some point during the week he was going to get a selfie with Ralph Sexton, but one night, he skipped to take out a girl... So my dad, neighbor, and I ran him down and told him the story.  He handed somebody the phone before I could snap the selfie, but we figured this was close enough! My cousin was very jealous, so mission accomplished!
Oh, and the preaching and singing was pretty amazing too! ;)

On Labor Day weekend I went with Maze to an Appalachian State game!
Aren't we cute? :)

But we remembered, we do not like or understand football, and therefore were not impressed... 
It also probably had something to do with App killing the other team and it being no real competition whatsoever

The next weekend my friend, Maze, and I went to a Country music festival in Morganton North Carolina!
They were having some fun singing on the way there...

We saw Thompson Square!! 
I absolutely loved it!

After school started back at the beginning of August, things outside of school began to calm down as my first semester of college dominated the majority of my time.  My schedule is as follows...
  • Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings I have Psychology and Sociology
  • Tuesday and Thursday mornings I have English 111
  • Thursday evenings I have Principles of Biology
  • I have Intro to Computers online
Every day (except Thursday) I'm out of class by 11, and then hang out in the Library doing homework until going to work at 2:30.  Thursdays I'm out of English at 11, and then have Biology at 1, so I don't work on Thursdays!

So far class has been going pretty well!

But that, my darlings is it! 
That has been the busy, yet insanely fun mess that was my Summer :)


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