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Outer Banks 2013: Day 8, Friday June 14th

9:00 AM
Just woke up... and ate more Krispy Kreme Doughnuts ;)  Breakfast isn't a fun meal to talk about, it is the same everyday!
Well today is our last day in Emerald Isle... After this we are going to a few other places, but this is our last actual beach day...which is kind of sad

1:00 PM
Well, to make my little brother happy we made a deal with him that we would go to the pool first this morning. We ended up staying at the pool until lunch because it didn't make any sense to walk all the way down to the beach to just walk back an hour later! So we swam and floated around on the pool all morning :)

7:00 PM
We wanted to stay out at the beach as long as possible today, so we stayed out until now!
I wrote my name in the sand :)

Summer 2013

Look at this awesome sandcastle we found!!

I am going to stay in this house one day... It looks like a Barbie House!

And if that is Barbie's House, then this has to be Ken's :)
 It was a colder day on the beach today, but this was the best waves we have had all week! I rode my boogie board most of the day today, which I loved :)
 I got dunked and flopped and rolled and grinded against the bottom a few times today, but it was worth it! The sad part is, I lost my sunglasses :'(  I have worn them in the ocean a million times, but when I got rolled one time today they just disappeared... I guess a little mermaid is wearing them now ;)
After losing my sunglasses, I was pretty mad. So me and Dad decided to go play Tennis :) ...I am definitely not going to be going pro anytime soon, that's for sure ;) I don't like to run... or sweat, so that makes Tennis kind of hard! But I did discover that I can hit the ball really high... behind me! ;) I am just awesome :)
When we had chased the balls enough we went back down to the beach to go for a walk and play in the sand before we left. 
And now here I am, getting ready to go out to eat :)

8:00 PM
Remember how I said I got rolled in the waves? Well I had sand EVERYWHERE!!! I had to wash my hair three times, rinse it, and then condition it, and when I got out there were still seashells in my hair!
(After I finally got the seashells out of my hair) We went out to the board walk to take some family pictures :) 

Now we are on our way to eat at Rucker Johns!

9:30 PM
Got back to the room, now it is time to start repacking.... :'(

1:00 AM
Just finished repacking (for the most part) and I am zapped! 'Night guys! :)


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