Good morning ladies, it's beach day!!
I have been up about an hour now finishing up some last minute things, and I was up until after 1 last night doing the same… it's been hectic, and I'm wiped, but ready to get on the road!
Kaitlyn should be here in about an hour, and before then I've got to finish packing, get ready, and pack my car! I better get to it 😅
Beach bound!
I was actually able to accomplish pretty much everything I needed to this morning and was ready when Kaitlyn got here, that never happens!
We already made a stop at Denny's for breakfast, and we are barely an hour away from home… This might be a long trip 😂
We decided to split salted caramel banana shortbread pancakes and an omelet… It was so good, but it was just too much, we barely even finished half!
We finished breakfast, drove a little further down the road, and then switched drivers because she is better in traffic and more used to this road than me. Our current "estimated arrival time" is about 3:00. Our condo is cleaned and ready, so whenever we get there we can go ahead and check in! After that we will get groceries, and then who knows how the rest of the day will go!
Stopped at a rest area to stretch our legs… Now back on the road!
Buuuuuut.... Not without Muddy Buddies!
We made it!!
We got to our condo about 3:15 and since then we have just been hanging out and enjoying our view. We both had to call parents and grandparents to let them know we were here safe, and then we honestly just needed a minute to relax after such a long day of driving! Now we are about to go grocery shopping, and then we are going to have Chinese food delivered!
Chillin in tha pool 😎
After grocery shopping we ate dinner and watched a movie. We are apparently into splitting things this weekend, and with the other restaurants we have picked out I foresee that trend continuing!
We split a hibachi chicken and steak with rice, and then added another side of rice and an order of spring rolls!
We split a hibachi chicken and steak with rice, and then added another side of rice and an order of spring rolls!
Afterwards we went down for a walk on the beach and then came to swim in the pool!
And that, my friends, draws the first day to a close! It has been long and tiring, but totally worth it to finally be at the beach!
Want to see the rest of the series? You can find them here...
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