So at the beginning of this year I did my "College Countdown" series, and they quickly became some of the most popular posts on this blog to date! I just finished my second year of college, first year actually away at a university, and I thought it would be nice to bring that series to a final close with a recap of how my year at Appalachian State University went!
Overall this past year just seems like a dream. As I walked through the common areas of the school and saw people playing frisbee, walking dogs, enoing, tightlining, and trying to spread their opinions to the masses it was like watching a scene out of a movie. I honestly couldn't believe I had made it to this place, and even during difficult times I never stopped being thankful for the opportunity to bring my dreams to fruition at a place like Appalachian.
Classes and Internships
My major is middle grades education, and because I came in with my associates degree that meant I got to jump right in to my education classes and internships! Throughout the year I got to spend time with wonderful peers, teachers, and students who all made an impression on my future career. Appalachian's education program truly is one of the best! (It actually is top rated, look it up!)
^^^Look at our paper cranes we made with the kids! They each hung one for someone they cared about, and one of the kids hung one up there for me <3
This was me and my "cohort" playing with the kids outside at my first internship...
And this is me in my "professional" attire with an "I mean business" look at my second internship! I was actually in an 8th grade English class for this one so it was much more "real" so to speak.
Fun and Friends
Things weren't all boring though! I made friends with a fun group of people that I was thrilled to spend the year with....I had an amazing RA this year and I m thrilled to be living in the same apartment complex as her next year! This goofy dude will be there too!
Speaking of apartments, this girl who I have known most of my life is going to be one of my roommates next year! She is the best, and I am so excited to be sharing our side of the apartment in a few short months!
Look how cute my roomie and I were on her birthday...
This is the boy from the picture above looking significantly more normal... TBH he was one of the only people I actually talked to on my dorm floor this past year!
Holidays are my favorite at home, and it was no different at school!!My sweet boy carved me Mickey Mouse pumpkin for Halloween this year! Sadly, he rotted pretty quickly
My boyfriend and I also celebrated our three year anniversary at the Melting Pot, and it was phenomenal... We had the best time!
Aside from Thanksgiving, we also celebrated Friendsgiving! We had cupcakes and Chinese food, typical Thanksgiving food right?
The big, big thing, I turned 20 this year! I am a bonafide grown up now... right?
But I got to look cute matching my mommy at Biltmore House anyway!
I celebrated a duel Christmas and New Years with my friends this year and we had the best time. We did a secret santa exchange again, as well as exchanged some birthday presents, and I couldn't have been happier!
Finally, my boy and I went out for Valentine's Day and looked smoking hot!
This was the year of concerts for me....It started off with the Avett Brothers at Appalachian (which you can see here!)
Look how cute we were!
The next weekend my roommate and I took a VERY last minute trip to see Zac Brown Band! I found the tickets for dirt cheap on App's yard sale website and within hours we were on our way! Check that out here! The next day I drove back to Charlotte to meet up with my friend to see Brad Paisley! It was a busy weekend!
Luke Combs also came to Appalachian this year and the tickets weren't too expensive, so I totally had to go!
For Christmas my boyfriend got me Brantley Gilbert tickets. He isn't my favorite, but my friend and I had a good time!
Finally, I ended the semester with a trip to see Home Free with my family. If you have never hear of them then check it out, they are an a capella country group and are ah-mazing!
Family and Friends Visiting
Even though I went home every few weekends, my sweet family still came to visit me ever so often too! This is a post Krispy Kreme visit...Can't forget my best friend in the entire world! (psst... We are going to the beach together in 15 days, so you have beach posts to look forward too!)
We also attempted a bonfire in February after the Brantley Gilbert concert... Surprise! It was cold.
Dorm Transformation
You all saw this picture in my original picture you all saw in my dorm tour post back in August, but it actually changed a bit from the beginning to the end. If you would like to see the original tour then you can find it here.And her is a little look at both mine and my roommate's side and our window view!
I flipped my comforter come winter so it would have a more subdued look, and I actually really liked it! I think I might just go with a plain grey comforter next year!
And this was the window at Christmas! It was a little busy, but I loved it! You can see the full winter dorm tour here.
This was how my side ended up! Not to terribly different, but I added a bunch of pictures and a few more pillows on my bed. I truly loved my side of the room, I thought it was perfect <3
And this... Was the end. My roommate was gone, my stuff was in the hallway, and it was time to say goodbye.
As I sat in the floor with only my fan, mirror, and backpack left in the room, I wasn't nearly as sad as I thought I would be. The first year at Appalachian was coming to an end, but I have one more wonderful one ahead of me to look forward to. This year had its tough times and trials, but it was also one of the best years of my life. Looking back a couple of weeks later I am more upset that I was at the time. Never again will I be seen as one of the babies in the dorm, I am working for apartment rent as an upperclassmen. Let's see what the future holds!
Overall, my second year in college was truly amazing, and I can't wait to see what next year holds! I hope you will come with me as the journey continues!
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