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Spa Weekend Haul!

So last Thursday and Friday, I went on a Spa Weekend trip with my friend Kaitlyn.
Of course, we went shopping...
Is that even a question??

Wedding Expo Gifts
There were a few of the same vendors at this Expo as there was at the last one (like Stargazer Designs, who actually recognized me!), but mostly they were all new to me!


There was not as big of a collection of vendors, but we still got some cool stuff!
The bag at this event was significantly nicer and cuter than the last one. It says "To Have and To Hold... all of your wedding inspiration."  How cute is that?
From some of the different vendor's I received a homemade chocolate truffle, a koozie, a photo booth picture strip, a tattoo and pin, dove chocolate, a baby flashlight

Sally Hanson Bleach - So far, I am super impressed with this stuff!  The first time I used it I made the large batch, my friend and I used it, and still had a TON left! So this will last quite a while.

Engagement Ring - Well... a fake one!  If you would like to see the full explanation as to why we were buying engagement rings you can check it out here!

Key Copies - I probably spent the most at the Kia place of anywhere... which is very sad... But I've locked myself out of my car twice lately, so these were necessary!

Bed Bath and Beyond
Hangers - Which are very pretty, and blue, and were on sale, and I had a coupon, and I will take off to college with me next year... but I left them in my friend's car...

Bath and Body Works
Candle - This smells like heaven, was on sale, and my mall just got their own White Barn candle store, so they gave me a cute little pack of their matches brand as well!
Perfume - I got this for free with a $10 purchase!  With all I have, that is the only way I ever buy BBW anymore...

Earrings - Both these and the headband were only $2 each!
Headband - So I thought this would be cute if and when I go to a music festival again this year!

Bridal Emergency Kit - So... I was already in a bridal mood, what can I say? Also, this is usually around $25, and I got it for $7!  I put it in my hope chest for one day when I do get married!

Old Navy
There were such amazing sales here...
Cardigan - on sale for $9.98, it's called the Grandpa Cardigan, how cute is that?
Tank top - This would be the best deal of the trip, at $0.47!

Bathing suit tops - The one on the left is a blue aztec print with a razor back, and tie in the front... it is very interesting to say the least!  The one on the right is just a traditional black top.  They were $1.47 each!

Shorts - I love athletic shorts, and had looked at buying these before but decided on another pair... Then I found these on sale again for $3.47!

Vera Bradley
Lunchbox - I have been looking at this for a  while now, but didn't think I really needed it.  I now carry a lunchbox everyday again, which I haven't done since like middle school! So yeah... I needed it. And it is so cute!


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