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Themed Presents: Beatles

For this music themed present, I chose to do the Beatles.  This was an ironic choice for me, because I hate the Beatles with a burning passion… I know, that is sacrilege to some people, but I just really hate them!  My boyfriend on the other hand, loves them, and takes every opportunity to play their music to get on my nerves!

This present wasn’t as much chosen, as the pieces just kind of fell together.  As I said in my Guide to Christmas Shopping post, I like to get my shopping done early, and when there are sales!

At one the millions of “biggest sales of the year!” at Old Navy over the Summer, I found this really cool Beatles t-shirt for super cheap.  It is so soft, and looks like a movie poster/ticket! This was around $7.

At Ross, which is another one of my favorite stores, they have a whole wall of really nice framed pictures and canvases.  I found this shadow box style picture a few months later, and when I bought it I wasn’t even thinking about the t-shirt, it just worked out!  It is set back in the frame, and the picture is made of the ridged 3D material, so it looks like the Beatles are popping out and walking across the frame! This was $5.99

The silly part of the present that I always have to include, was a Submarine Contacts case!  You know, like the Yellow Submarine? I may hate them, but I’m not completely Beatles illiterate!  This was a couple of dollars from Forever 21.

Finally, the really ironic part of this present was this CD… And there is a story behind it.  Maze and I were in his truck one day this Summer with the windows down, and he hands me a Beatles CD.  I just laid it down, because there was no way I was going to put it in!  He was like “I figured you’d act like you were going to throw it out the window or something!”  So I go to pretend like I am… and then let go… Neither of us could believe it, and he has given me heck about it since! I got this off of Amazon for $8.98

And that was the complete present!  He has really seemed to like it, and displayed the picture on his desk in his dorm.  
This could easily be done around any band, you just have to keep your eyes out!


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