Day 1
3:40 a.m.
We are currently headed to Daytona beach for two nights before the Disney vacation part begins, and then we will be in Disney from the 31st to the 11th of August!
I set not one but two alarms to get up this morning so we could leave by 3, and still did not get up until late... They didn't even phase me with two hours of sleep!
The plan to day is basically just driving aaaaaaall day... But it's all worth it for Disney!
6:35 a.m.
We just stopped at a rest stop somewhere in South Carolina! Now we are back on the road and headed to a Cracker Barrel on the other side of Colombia, South Carolina. It is a tradition that we always stop and have breakfast there on the way to vacation, and we aren't breaking it now!
We got to see the prettiest sunrise while we were stopped!
9:00 a.m.
Cracker Barrel time!
2:25 p.m.
It's been a while since I last checked in, but truthfully not much has happened… We stopped at a gross rest stop in Georgia, and then drove a few more hours. Around 1 we stopped at the official Florida visitors center, which is always fun to do!
I picked up a few more Disney brochures that I didn't need, and baby cups of orange juice!
Now we are back to driving...
3:45 p.m.
12 hours later, we are here!
Dad wouldn't really tell us where we were staying, and it turned out he had gotten us a really nice resort in Daytona!
Here is the bedroom...
And the kitchen...
And the gorgeous view from our Balcony!!
7:45 p.m.
Since getting here we have unpacked, been to the beach, showered, and now we are on our way to eat.
We decided to come on in from the beach because this big storm was rolling in... Kind of scary, but also gorgeous.
9:45 p.m.
We ate at I-Hop... But it's ok! Because here we are, 18 hours later, about to go to bed on the first night of our two week vacation!
Day 2
Good morning! We have been up for about two hours now and are just about ready to go to the beach! We woke up late and had a leisurely morning getting ready and having Breakfast at our resort, now we are headed down to the beach!
3:00 p.m.
This has been the most chill day... We went to the pool around 12:30 and then up to our room for lunch about 1:00. After lunch we've just been sitting on the beach and playing in the ocean!
Mom went into the Happy Hour at our hotel and asked for two "pink virgin fruity fizzy things." I was pretty happy about it!
I love my floppy hat <3
Have to read up on Disney before we get there! The water kept coming up higher and higher to my chair and towels!
7:45 p.m.
9:15 p.m.
We picked Crabby Joe’s in Daytona! I had clam strips with mashed potatoes, which is pretty much the only seafood I eat, and it was pretty great!
11:15 p.m.
We are back at the hotel and just chilling before bed. I know today was pretty boring and uneventful, but tomorrow we are off to Disney!
Thank you all so much for reading! I thought it would be fun to have a little summer Disney sun to brighten up snowy winter day! If you miss any of the coming days you can go to the Disney 2016 tag to see the full series!
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