Just wanted to let you all know the extreme level of excitement I have right now! I just received my Plumpaper personalized planner, and my FREE Love With Food subscription box! I will be updating last week's Christmas post with a picture of my planner, and be doing an in depth post on the planner, and accessories I ordered, in late February after I have used it for a bit! Also, keep your eye out for my TWO (yes I said two) subscription box posts coming soon! See you later this week with my regularly scheduled post!
So I have been big into working out lately, because who doesn't want to look their very best when vacation time comes! I found this workout calendar on Pinterest so I'm not able to give you the link to the exact website but I thought if you liked it enough you could copy, or print it out. I have been looking for the rest of the months that go with this but so far this is the only one I've found. I am doing it myself and so far its working pretty well, I would love for you to do this with me, just comment below and tell me any of your thoughts about it . Enjoy!! :)
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