So what do you guys think of me doing TAG posts? Yes? No? Annoying? Maybe? Email me some feedback! :)
Messy hair, nice makeup
Eyelashes fall out... You could use falsies! :)
Sephora! More options!
Hmmmm... Lipgloss and Lipliner?
Overdone blush, it wears off quicker!
6. Would you rather wear MC Hammer pants or Biker Shorts in public?
7. Would you rather have a bad orange-y spray tan or weird tan lines you can't cover up?
Ick... Biker Shorts i guess?
Weird tan lines! You could make up an awesome back story on the insane things you did to get them!
Bad cut, you can get rid of it quicker
Umm... I don't have a Twitter so....
Brushes, you could easily get by without them
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