Well, you would never believe what I have been up to all Summer! I just got back from Governor's school! Which was an adventure in itself...
if you don't know what Governor's School is, it is a special academic program for 5 and 1/2 weeks, for "the best and the brightest" in the state of NC, and I was very honored that I received the invitation to attend! I went for English, so I had one class that discussed Fact vs. Fiction, and another that focused on Creative Writing. I also had an Area II class that focused on Philosophy and Politics, and an Area III class that focused on your beliefs and feelings.
Basically, it was a very modern and informal type of school, 6 days a week, and whenever I wasn't in class they kept us extremely busy with performances and seminars!
So as usual, I apologize... I should have posted at some point, but I did not, and there isn't much we can do about it now, so I am very sorry!
How about a little peek into what happened while I was gone to make up for it? :)
This is how our TAC (Teacher Assistant/Counselor, like a dorm mother) decorated our door...
My roommate! I miss her :(
The besties in our Dorm shirts!
"We're so HOTT we just can't CLEWELL down!"
Our TAC's last name was Hott, our dorm's name was Clewell, we had no a/c...
First Gov School picture, check out that height difference...
Once in a while we did have time to hang out...
Playing Ninja!
Chinese food and movies!
But we did lot's of academic things too!
SECCA Art Museum field trip
Scotch Tape Art
Our English class PoeTREES!
This is the poem I wrote :)
The BEST English teacher ever!
My English class
My Area III, "Feelings Class"
And then they scheduled many social and fun events too!
Our field trip to Hanging Rock
Que the super artsy mountain picture :)
I thank God for the Godly girls I found while there :)
Studying her Bible on Hanging Rock
The Dance Off!
Clewell 2nd floor, get it? ;)
We gangster...
C-2 Rave!
The Masquerade Ball!
I was Tinker Bell!
The "Fancy Dance" :)
The last day we were there curfew wasn't until 2 a.m... we got a little hyper
Upside-down hugs!
Sunrise devotions on the last morning... prior to the ugly crying that came with goodbyes :(
And finally, the dang scary squirrel with no fur on his tail...
His name was Jimmy
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