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What I Did This Month... December (Christmas Edition!)

The month of December was so beyond hectic... I don't even know what to say. There were weeks that I didn't stop from 6:30 in the morning until late at night. That is not fun. But know what is fun? Christmas! Christmas is lots of fun!! So let's talk about all the things I did leading up to Christmas :)

 On the very first day of December my family brought in our tree that we had gotten the day before! We brought it in all tied up, and if you have ever seen Christmas Vacation you can really appreciate this ;)
This was also my dad showing off his extremely sharp knife, which he proceeded to gash open his finger with! 

We also decorated the tree that day.

These are just a few of my favorite ornaments...

This was handmade >>>

 <<< As well as this one

And this was my baby ornament :) It lights up and sings!
I can't remember exactly when this happened, but it was a very exciting day!! My very first $100 bill from one of my first paychecks!

On the 10th my boyfriend came over and helped me decorate the tree upstairs beside my room! We decorated the whole thing by ourselves, but he would say that he did most of it while I laid in the floor... That may or may not be true ;) We also watched the first Hobbit movie! I always make fun of my mom that this tree is like the "Island of Misfit Toys" from Rudolph. These are all of the ornaments that are pretty or special, but don't match the tree in our living room ;)

Early on the morning of the 13th my family left for a weekend in Pigeon Forge for my 17th Birthday! One of my friends was also down there with her family, so we met up with her in Dollywood later that day and spent the rest of the weekend with us :)
Me on the carousel :) 
Mom said that it would be such a pretty picture in the trees! We look at it later, and my little brother is making peace signs -_-
Me and my friend the next morning (the 14th), we went shopping! We tried our best to match...

In Gatlinburg that night. 

We went to a restaurant called The Melting Pot for dessert that night. We got all of this to dip and two different kinds of chocolate to dip it in! S'mores, and Crunchy Peanut Butter :) They also gave me a candle in my cheesecake and sang to me for my Birthday! It was soooooooooo good!!
This was the S'mores chocolate that they set on fire to roast the marshmallow cream!
When we went in the Sweet Shoppe in Dollywood I got a piece of Chocolate covered Cheesecake, and since we had eaten so much junk I totally forgot about it! So when we got home on the 15th (my actual Birthday) mom stuck a candle in it and we ate it then :)
So I was gone on my actual Birthday, and the rest of that week was crazy busy. I went to school/my internship in the mornings, I went to work right after school, and then straight to play practice on most days. On top of all of that, I got sick on my Birthday and was miserable the whole week... looking back on it now, my mom (the nurse) thinks I might have had the flu. So that whole week was probably one of the hardest and craziest of my life. Well, when I got home on Monday night I found these sitting on the kitchen table :) Since my boyfriend couldn't see me on my Birthday, he dropped off a bouquet of flowers bigger than me at my house :) They weren't al bloomed out in this picture, but they just got prettier the longer I had them :) 

Our last day of school was on the 19th, and this was my Early Childhood Class with our teacher. It was a small class, and we have her for 3 hours at a time, so we got pretty close :)

On the 21st my boyfriend finally got to take me out for my Birthday! We went to Bristol TN to the lights at the Bristol Speedway. We had a lot of fun just talking and hanging out :) This is what he got me for my Birthday (besides the flowers). I am still working on all of this candy! But I made quick work of the Sour Patch Kids, those are my favorite ;) He knows me well, I got all of my favorite candies, fuzzy socks, and a Bath and Body Works gift card! He said he spent forever in Bath and Body Works trying to find something I would like, and finally decided on a gift card ;) I spent part of it at the after Christmas sales this past weekend (Haul coming up Friday!)

So on the Sunday before Christmas (the 22nd) the little kids had their play at church. Since our church is pretty small and short on little kids, they asked my class to help. So that is why there are four teenagers sitting behind the little ones ;) 
Kaitlyn looks happy doesn't she? And look at the adorable little cow in my lap!!

I was a goat with a bad attitude, and Kaitlyn was a sheep. Realistic right? ;)

 Aren't we just the cutest thing you've ever seen!

We are way to close ;) 

 This is me and my baby cousin, who really isn't much of a baby anymore... :'(
This is me, my little brother, and my baby cousin with our Grandparents :) I'm not exactly sure what my grandmother was looking at...
On Monday the 21st I spent the morning running errands with Kaitlyn and buying last minute Christmas presents. That evening I was supposed to go out with my boyfriend and his friends, but my dad was sick (I gave him my flu, only he got it way worse) and my mom wasn't feeling well. I didn't feel right about leaving so instead we postponed it until the day after Christmas!
So that evening we made Christmas Cookies!
 Peanut Butter!
Adorable... Not really, but you know ;) 
 And our beautiful cookies :)

The next day was Christmas Eve! On Christmas Eve we go to my Dad's parent's house in the morning, and my Mom's parent's house in the evening. It is a very busy, and VERY fun day :)
Me and my little brother began Christmas Eve by cuddling on the couch and watching TV :) It aggravated my mom to death because: "We have so much to do, and the two of you don't usually get along, but you choose today to be cute??"
 This was our tree before we took all of the presents out from under it to take different places. Isn't it pretty? :)

And these were the bags full of presents we had to transport to Grandparent's Houses!
Me and Elijah opening presents at our Mamaw and Papaw's (Dad'd parents) House! We go to their house around lunch time and have breakfast foods! :)
And then this is the tree at my Memaw and Papa's (Mom's parents) house. We are so blessed :)
Papa, little brother, and baby cousin singing :) 

 Memaw and baby cousin :)

Us with Memaw :)
My cousin brought down his ukulele and played and sang a few songs for us. I have made fun of him about it for a while, he is this huge body builder guy... who plays a ukulele? It just seemed weird to me, but not anymore :) He did sooo good!! He played "Who Am I" by Casting Crowns, "Wagon Wheel" by Darius Rucker, and "Hallelujah" which has been sang by a lot of people. We all sat mesmerized by him, on the verge of tears. Good tears :)

I can't get over how cute this is :) My papa just redid this room in their house and built this whole fireplace. How he was going to build it was the cause of a lot of strife, but it got done and it is beautiful :)

 My Family :)

And this is my whole family :) Lot's of love here :)

We always end the night by opening presents. By this point we have eaten, sang, played music, shared memories, read the Christmas story, and just hung out together. We all always look forward to the presents but at the same time, you know that the presents mean it is almost over. When you pull in to the driveway on this night, every care in the world just melts away. We are there for a night together and that is all that matters :)

And then it was Christmas morning!!
This would be my "I got a Minion!!!' face ;)
 I don't know what is going on with him in this picture, but whatever it is it doesn't look good!
This was after opening presents :) For Christmas I got a Minion and Snoopy from "Santa" ;) and a Moshi Pig from my little brother :)
 Ok I debated about posting this picture... When I was little and would open up the present with underwear I would always toss them to the side and say "'Ol phooy underwear!" Well in this picture I decided to dress my stuffed animals in my 'Ol phooy underwear! They stayed like that on the couch all day ;)
This was the pile of paper and boxes beside the tree. Once again, we are very blessed :)
My little brother played hard all day, and fell asleep with his Snoopy on the couch Christmas night :) While he was asleep I may or may not have played his new Disney Infinity game... Shh! Don't tell ;)


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