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What I Did This Month... November

This has been a month of quite a few firsts... I got my first job!! I am working at a daycare with kids ages 2-12 in the afternoons after school. I am really liking it, and I don't have to work weekends or Holidays so is is great! And then I got my second job... Back in the Summer I asked my cousin about having a job in his clothing store, and he told me that I could be a gift-wrapper closer to the Holidays. So I am doing that on Saturdays! I mean, I'm not complaining (much), I am making good money! But oh my gosh... I have been so tired!

I started out the month making Triple Salted Caramel Cupcakes for my Mommy's birthday!
The next semi-interesting thing I did this month was go to my neighbor/sister(sort of) wedding! I was a Guest Book Person/Dress Fluffer and Holder/Unofficial Bridesmaid... In all reality I have absolutely no idea what I was! But it was a pretty wedding, and we had fun :)
This was her getting her hair done...

Her and her (now) husband decided to do a first look before the ceremony, they tried to get off to a secluded place... but no such luck ;) We found them out the window of the hotel room and saw the whole thing!
First dance as husband and wife :)
Mom took this picture and I thought it was adorable :)
And this would be me and my adorable boyfriend at the wedding ;)

"Wait! Take one more picture!" And then she does this... :P Not the best picture of me, but I thought it was cute :)
The Monday after the Wedding was Veterans day, so we had no school! Instead, I worked all day... Ahh the life of a working girl ;)

And then on Friday the 15th Mom and Dad went off to Chapel Hill to watch a Carolina Basketball game (Carolina won!), so me and my brother spent the weekend at grandparent's houses. And then on Saturday I got to go on a date with my adorable boyfriend!! I went with him and his family to a Triple Feature movie at a Drive-In and I can't even tell you how much fun we had! :) We saw Free Birds, Gravity, and if we would have stayed we also would have watched Thor.

The next day (Sunday) we had our Thanksgiving Dinner at my church, and we also decided to have "Old Timey Day"!
Here is me and my bestest friend with my Memaw :)
"Let's take a goofy picture!"
"Ok!" So I took a note from the wedding picture above and gave her a kiss on the cheek ;)

One of the ladies at our church wore a cupcake apron, and since I am have been declared the cupcake queen everyone said I needed one too! After church she came up behind me and tied it around my waist and put her pink bonnet on my head. It was very sweet :)

My little brother played soccer, and his soccer team had a dinner at pizza hut on Tuesday (the 19th)

Doesn't he look cute with his coach!

Also on the 19th, I saw this when I pulled into the school parking lot!

It isn't the best picture, because I only had my phone with me, but I saw a deer! :) She was just standing in front of my parking spot. I sat and watched her until she wandered off into the woods :)

On the 21st me and my boyfriend went out to Subway after I got off work. We seriously sat in Subway for over 2 hours just talking :)

On the 23rd I started working at the Clothing Store, and I was soooo tired when I got home... But my boyfriend (I like saying that, MY boyfriends ;) asked if I wanted to go watch Catching Fire with him! I really wanted to see the movie, and I reeeeeeeally wanted to see him, so I went! And I don't think I have recovered yet ;)

On Monday the 25th I had a huge paper due... and I made a 99!! That brought up my grade quite a bit ;)

The next day we had a 3 hour delay at school, so I couldn't go to my internship at the Primary school... It was just a cold yucky day...

And then the next day we had the first snow day of the year! And besides not having to go to school, I didn't have to go into work either!

So I made pancakes for breakfast :)
And then came Thanksgiving :) All of our family came over to our house and spent the evening. We ate, and talked... we had fun :)
And I made Pumpkin Cheesecake Cupcakes! They were Ah-Mazing!!
I spent the next two days of my long weekend working at the clothing store, pretty uneventful :)

I hope you all have an amazing December!! And just so you know, my birthday is in 12 days!!! :D


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