At this point, we are in the thick of Cold and Flu season... I have had a cold for the past week, and I am soooo not loving this :P I thought I might put together a Cold and Flu Survival Kit for you all, so you can be more prepared than I was. Just a note... Keep in mind that I am not in any way shape or form a doctor and you should consult yours before taking anything, these are just my suggestions. You are gonna need a good Pain Reliever ! Having a headache, sore throat, or just being achy in general sucks... Trust me you will need it If you are all stuffed up with a cold a Decongestant will be a God send. It will give you a few minutes where you can get something done besides blowing your nose! Coughing your head off? Cough Drops , learn to love them. Personally I can't stand the things, but they work! You need to keep tabs on how high your temperature is going in case you need to go to the doctor or hospital, so keep a Thermometer handy. Tissues , and pl...