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Spring Break 2016

Well I just finished an extremely short Spring Break... I was only given two days last week! Isn't that sad?  But hey, I had the most of it!

I started out Spring Break (on Wednesday night) with a bonfire for my friend's birthday!  We have the perfect bonfire spot beside a river, and in the river lives otters!  It was too dark to see them that night, but they are my favorite animal, and I am looking foreward to many Summer bonfires with our otter friends! 
I have never really been into the whole eno hammock thing, but my friend brought a double so I though, why not??  It was surprisingly comfortable, and we had a lot of fun celebrating her birthday together!

But now the main event of Spring Break... On Thursday Maze (my boyfriend) and I went to a Flogging Molly concert in Charlotte!  

But first I made him take me to South Park Mall, because it looked insane!!  And it was, though it took longer to get to Charlotte than we thought it would so we only got to spend like an hour...  But I made a plan and I hit the stores that I wanted to see most in that hour!
First we went to Lush, which I'd looked at online but have never bough anything from before.  I limited myself to one bubble bar right now, and I chose "Pop in the Bath" which is described as orange flower and bergamot.

I have been hearing about The Container store from Jen from PrettyNeatLiving on YouTube for years now, but I don't have one near me!  So I made sure to hit up this store, but I could have spent much longer and much more money than I actually did...
So I found a trashcan for my dorm next year

As well as a paper sorter which was on sale, this cute little white bowl (that I wanted, but don't know what to do with!), and a tin for my Lush Bubble Bar!

So how about a little concert OOTD to go with the mini haul?
My tank top is from American Eagle
My cardigan was a Christmas gift
My jeans are American Eagle from TJ-Maxx (!)
My shoes are Sanuks
My phone case is Dooney and Bourke from the Dillard's outlet (I got it for $2!)

But anyway, it was a wild concert... Like mosh pit in the front, throwing alcohol kind of wild... But we stayed towards the back of the scary-ness and it was really awesome!  If you haven't ever listened to Flogging Molly I suggest giving them a try, they have been around since the late '90s and have a really classic Folk Rock Irish sound, it is really interesting!

The Charlotte skyline as we left the concert... As pretty as this view is, I could never handle living in the city!  After the concert we went to something similar to an amped up Waffle house for dinner (at one in the morning), and maybe it was just because we were really hungry, but I was impressed!  We both had omelets (mine was a Greek with tomatoes, spinach and feta) with hash browns, it was the perfect post concert, half asleep before a three hour drive home food.

And then Maze was sweet and let me sleep all the way home while he drove.  I woke up to this Snapchat... I love him :)

Other than that my weekend was pretty uneventful!  It was Maze's Spring Break as well, as we hung out every day from the Sunday before mine started until he left on Saturday night!  We had a lot of fun hanging out together hanging out and going on picnics, but the concert was by far the most interesting thing we did.

After he left, I spent the day Sunday with my family, and we went to see Zootopia!
It was the second time I'd seen it, and it was just as good the second time!  If you are planning on seeing it, make sure and watch out for the two Frozen references and the Breaking Bad reference.

And then on Monday, life went back to normal with school!

Oh, and by the way, #AppSaidYes!!
When I announced to you all in my January and February Life Update that I would be attending Appalachian State University in Boone, North Carolina in the Fall, I actually didn't know if I was in yet... But I was staying positive and praying for the letter to come, and on Monday it finally did!


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