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What I did this Month: Summer 2015 Part One!

So where to begin... I stopped posting when life got hectic around the end of Spring after prom season, and it hasn't slowed down since! So I figured it might be fun to celebrate the first day of Fall rehashing my Summer 

The fun began right before the end of my senior year in high school, with senior skip day where the entire senior class took a trip to a waterpark/campground!
Trust me, we were beast at this kayak! At one point, we were even standing up while paddling and had perfect balance.  The only bobble of the entire trip would be when one of our friends was coming at us in his kayak with a fishing pole and hook sticking off the front.  He rammed us. And flipped us.  In water most defiantly NOT meant for swimming... It was disgusting.
And this would be us, hot, sweaty, and drenched in swamp water on our final bus ride as high schoolers!

On the last day of school I never expected to be sad.  Let me tell you, I was ready for it, "senior-itus" had hit me hard and I was ready to get out.  But I had another thing coming...
The final thing we did before leaving on the last day was visit our favorite teacher.  If you can't tell, he is a very passionate history teacher, and we all dressed in red white in blue to honor him.

 We sat down in our old desks, and the final lecture we would ever have the honor of hearing from him began.:
Hurd's Last Words of Advice
1.) Stand up to the dirty liberals
2.) Don't let dirtbags get you down 
3.) Don't drink, but if you do, do it alone so you can't hurt anyone but yourself. Don't do crack, and none of that Devils grass!
4.) Find like minded people in college, either in sports or Christian clubs 
5.) Don't forget where you came from
6.) Be yourself, unless you are a dirtbag!
...and forget what I said about drinking, just don't do it!
 Now I didn't relay this information to offend anybody, this was just his personality.  To push as far as he possibly can, and then pull back, ready for laughter and a good debate.

 Walking out of school onto the circle, for the last time until Graduation.

 The day before graduation I had a party, and let me tell you... It wasn't "Pinterest inspired", it looked like Pinterest had thrown up all over it!

I loved every second of it! We had great food, spent time with friends and family, they made a movie of pictures of me throughout the years that made everyone cry, and it was absolutely beautiful.  I could not have been more happy 😄

Graduation happened about a week after Maze, my boyfriend, returned from his two week vacation in Montana, and I can't even tell you how much I missed him!  When we went out after he came back I was given these as a 20 mont anniversary present, apology for getting me sick, an early graduation present, and just because he missed me 😍

And then the day of Graduation was upon us!
 Receiving my diploma, very first in my class to do so 🎓

 Such a fail, and so much fun 😊

 Squad pic!

 And the people who helped me through it all.  
From the tears every morning before school, for many years, to the stress about scholarships and college.  I have more love and respect for the individuals in this picture than I can ever convey.

 My friends since day one, no exaggeration there at all 👭

 And him ☺️ I know... that face.  He made some version of it in every picture on my moms camera and my phone... I don't know what was going on!

I was blessed to receive four local scholarships from my school, in addition to two I received from my college, completely covering the cost of tuition for this year to the community college I'm attending.
Now, I want to bust some stereotypes and make something very clear.  
No, this wasn't my first choice. 
No, I am not stupid.  
No, I am not poor.  
I am a middle class girl who did well in high school and is attempting to follow the path God has laid out before me.  The first few weeks of school, when I saw everyone else leaving for college, were some of the most difficult weeks of my life, but I truly believe I am where I am supposed to be.  Now it is up to me to stand strong through the condescending reactions, and make the most out of an unexpected situation.
Because I know God has a plan for me during my year or two here, and it is up to me to do the most for him that I can, where I am.

Now, off of my rant! 
The evening of graduation, I left with five other friends for Myrtle Beach!
It was a long... long, 6 hour drive.

But it was so worth it! 
Morning of day 1, Senior trip 2015!

 The week was packed full of fun, including a trip to the Alligator Farm...

 Burying gullible friends in sand...

 Playing with the "4 foot" whale that a toddler couldn't have ridden on!

 Horrible and expensive henna tattoos we were conned into buying on the strip...

 Late night beach walkin' dressed like white girls...

Banana boating with our awesome captian!

A trip to Dick's seafood...

 Squad pics again

And one of the two full group pictures we got the entire week!

Bringing us to the morning we had to leave... 😩
I wouldn't trade this trip for anything.  Though there was obviously some fighting, I grew closer to some of these girls than I ever thought I could.  See the two to the left of me?  We weren't that close before this trip, but now all three of us are at Mayland together and have spent every moment together since this trip!

Returning to the real world after this trip was pretty rough... But fun none the less!
 The day after I got back Bible School began at my church, and I was a teacher! This is in addition to holding down a full time job as a teacher at a daycare, so I spent a loooot of time with kids this week! As you can see, Maze helped me with class one night, before he had to leave on a mission trip (we spent about the first month of summer away from each other...).  Se the little girl beside him?  She was terrified of him at the beginning of the night, but by the end she loved him!

Remember the whole besties since day one thing?  I wasn't kidding!  We were both teachers this year and decided to re-create a picture from when we were both obviously still in class, and loving those Cheetos!

There was also a trip to Fun Depot that snuck in there somewhere, because we are obviously still little kids, right?

And now it's the fourth of July! 🎉Can you believe all of that happened in basically one month?  I wasn't kidding when I said it was a hectic Summer!

I have elected to split this  into two separate posts... Because it is already crazy long! So next weekend look forward to hearing about July through early September!

Let's connect on some more social networks!!
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And if you wouldn't mind to sign up with my referral links... 
Swagbucks - This is a site where you earn points to get rewards, and it really works! If you want an invite you can e-mail me ( or paste this referral link ( in the box when you sign up!
Influenster - This is a site where you sync up all of your social media accounts and they will send you products to review based on your interests:
Groupon - A shopping website where everything is super cheap!

ipsy - A $10 monthly subscription service where you receive makeup tailored to your personal interests

I love you guys! 😘


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